When Should You Replace Your Locks

The doors to your apartment or home are designed to improve the security of your belongings and more importantly, to ensure that every member of your family is safe. However, this is only possible if those doors are locked well. In some cases, you may need to replace your locks, but before you take any step, it is important to determine whether you should opt for lock replacement or simply go for rekeying of your pre-existing locks. Rekeying your locks will require getting rid of the existing keys to your home, something that most homeowners can do on their own. However, there are some cases where it is advisable to opt for lock replacement instead of rekeying your locks. Here are some critical situations when you should replace your locks.

Moving Into a New Home

SOLDIt is not possible to know the number of spare keys that are currently available out there. This is because a few copies of the keys might have been issued to friends, family members and even neighbors, and chances are they may have landed into the wrong hands. Anyone who had previously lived in your home or worked on the new house may have made a spare key with the intention to intrude. The solution to this problem is to replace the keys, thereby rendering the old keys useless. Security experts agree that replacing your locks is the best solution whenever you want to move into a new home to ensure the main part of security is new and fully reliable.

Worn Locks

worn door lockOld locks might be tarnished or rusted and can break easily. At the same time, you may find it hard to open them from time to time. If this is the case, the lock system may break easily before or when you are attempting to open it, greatly inconveniencing you by locking you outside. In addition, a worn or rusty lock can be easily broken by intruders. Due to the wear and tear, your lock system might be easier to break now. Always make sure that your locks have no sign of wear and tear. Also, make sure that there is no sign of tarnish or rust; otherwise, you need to replace the locks. Whenever you need to change your locks, be sure to call a professional locksmith who can do the job right the first time. This will help ensure your home is safe and secure at all times.

New Roommate or Tenant

Many homeowners rent out homes in their properties, which they might not visit regularly. In this case, it is important to replace the locks around the property whenever a new tenant moves in. By so doing, you can ensure that the previous tenants do not return to the property with the keys you issued to them in an effort to reclaim items or simply to cause trouble in your home.

A Break-In

BurglarIf you have suffered a break-in, you need to replace the locks in your property as soon as possible. Any damage the intruder caused to the property can greatly reduce its longevity, making you an easy target for more intrusions. You should always think that the keys to your house might have fallen into the wrong hands so all external locks should be replaced, no matter how the intruder entered.

Upgrade Your Pre-Existing Locks

If you are worried about your existing locks, then it is important to purchase new locks. Chances are a door or two do not have a deadbolt. Otherwise, the strike plate and deadbolt in the pre-existing locks may not be as strong as they are supposed to be. One important reason to change locks to ensure the lockset is stronger and more dependable.

Lost or Stolen Keys

If your keys have been stolen or you have misplaced them, it is important to replace them because whoever finds them might know your home. You should exercise caution and have an experienced locksmith replace the locks once you lose or misplace the keys to your home.

For all of your lock replacement needs, it is important to have the number of a professional locksmith in your phonebook. These professionals specialize in both residential and commercial locks to help keep you, your loved ones and your business safe and secure.

Author: Larry White

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